The History of National Frog Jumping Day

Every year on May 13th, we here at Mindfrog like to take the time to celebrate our favorite holiday–National Frog Jumping Day. Not many people tend to know much about this day and what it stands for, so let’s just hop right into it.

The etiology of the holiday came from the short story, “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County,” published by Mark Twain in 1865. Twain wrote about a pet frog named Dan’l Webster and a friendly competition that developed between two men betting on their frogs to see whose could jump higher.

This short story popularized the holiday, however contrary to common misconception, the annual Frog Jumping Contest has been taking place at the Calaveras County Fair since 1849 marking the origin of the national holiday. It is definitely a sight to see as county residents enter frogs into the annual frog jumping contest in an effort to come home with the winning prize for farthest jump.

The current frog jumping record is held by “Rosie the Ribeter” who in 1986 jumped 21 feet and 5-¾ inches! As the years have gone by, frog jumping has broadened in its popularity and frog jumping contests can be found outside of Calaveras all across the nation. We’re definitely counting down the days and hope that you will celebrate with us next May.

Countdown to National Frog Jumping Day








Countdown to National Frog Jumping Day








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